When you are considering starting a new business, there are many things you need to consider to ensure you have the best possible start. Considering it is estimated that 80% of new businesses fail within the first year it is crucial you put everything in place that...
The COVID-19 Coronavirus is disrupting both public life and business across the globe in various countries, events being called off, companies who import from China facing severe delays due to the business running on skeleton staff and concerns around travel. More...
Thousands of contracts are entered into every day, many of which one party may not have any idea what the terms are or even what the contract looks like. We hear it time and time again that ‘there was no terms’.. or ‘I never sign contracts’. Unfortunately, this is not...
The likes of Klarna and Clearpay have become the new way to shop online. Known as point-of-sale loans, major online retailers are giving consumers the option to buy now and pay later on items. The choice of spreading the cost over 3 months or paying up to 30 days...
“I am owed money but there was no contract in place” This is a common statement I see and hear across social media and the business community from business owners who have not been paid for the goods or services they have delivered. Not only does it cause a huge...
Are you a package travel company, or even just offering stays to your clients? With Thomas Cook sadly going under yesterday, it had me thinking of all those poor holidaymakers that are currently abroad or having their prebooked holidays cancelled and how upsetting a...