Embarking on a startup journey is undeniably exhilarating, brimming with the promise of fresh ideas and innovative solutions to longstanding problems. However, the harsh reality is that a significant number of UK startups fail within just a few years, often due to the...
Due to the pandemic and global uncertainties, more people than ever have decided to take the leap into self-employment, to take back control over their future and their finances. However, the stark reality is that starting a business isn’t as simple as it may seem and...
When you are considering starting a new business, there are many things you need to consider to ensure you have the best possible start. Considering it is estimated that 80% of new businesses fail within the first year it is crucial you put everything in place that...
Getting your terms and conditions drafted professionally is never a top priority when starting a business. Many may steal from competitors or use templated documents instead of getting their own documents professionally drafted, which is dangerous and not effective....