Review and update your terms and conditions

Why do I need terms and conditions?

Simply put, if you do not have T&Cs in place, you are putting your business at risk. They are crucial when it comes to each party understanding their obligations and responsibilities to one another.


Are your terms and conditions fit for purpose?

Terms and conditions are those annoying documents that don’t seem all that important until a problem occurs. There is always something that takes precedence over checking if your terms of business remain fit for purpose. As a small business, you’re perhaps more interested in getting that new client, sorting out your marketing plan or chasing payments that have not yet been received. However, conducting a contract review and checking if your terms are fit for purpose takes just a few minutes and could save you thousands in the long run.


Why do you need drafted terms and conditions that are bespoke to your business?

You may have been lucky so far where both your business-to-business transactions and consumer contracts are problem-free. In reality, things sometimes go wrong. Some clients may try to get out of paying or not do what you need them to do for you to complete your services. This is where a contract review comes in. A contract with bespoke terms and conditions provides certainty, clarity and compliance, minimising the risk of commercial disputes and consumer complaints.

While you can contract verbally or by email, you should always ensure the communications make it clear that any contractual negotiations will be subject to your terms and conditions.


Ensure your terms and conditions work specifically for you

Conducting a contract review and investing in some terms and conditions will save you time, money and stress in the future. Standardising your business terms and ensuring that they work for your company creates certainty for you and your clients. It also limits your liability, preserves cash flow and increases your operational efficiency.

Businesses that use other companies’ terms or download templates rather than create their own run the risk of entering into contracts that don’t adequately reflect their way of dealing. This means they fail to provide proper protection to the agreement or may not even be legally enforceable.

Allowing us to provide you with contract review services will eradicate these risks and result in terms and conditions which work for you and your business.

Terms and conditions require careful consideration and may throw up unexpected questions or issues, including payment clauses, effects of termination, limitations of liability, intellectual property and any guarantees.

We can help!

Simply upload your current terms and conditions, and we will review and discuss them with you during a consultation for free!

Document Submission Form
Maximum upload size: 12.58MB

Get in touch if you have any questions, by calling on 01604 217365

or send us a message at


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